The Coaster concept was originally conceived by Reubin Trane. As the story goes he drew the first Coaster on a napkin and Jay Benford developed and refined the concept into practical yachts. Jay is a well known and respected marine architect. He has designed not only Coasters but Sailing Dinghys, Tugs, Trawlers, and Ferries just to mention a few. Teddi and I appreciated that his designs were traditional with a wonderful sense of the past but with all the modern conveniences and new technologies. The Coasters have a traditional exterior with very large interior spaces. Teddi Bear has 1274 square feet of interior space containing full sized furniture and a house sized galley. The guest and master stateroom contain queen and king sized beds respectively with generous walk around space. The second Coaster built was named Key Largo. Later in her life she was purchased by Billy Joel and re-named Red Head. See the Benford Design Group web site at for list of available plans and books.


LOA 55′
Beam at Waterline 20’8”
Gross Tonnage 70
Draft 4’6″
Hull & Cabin Material Steel
Interior Joinery Black Walnut
Paint & Coatings Altex Devoe
Fuel Capacity 3136 Gallons
Water Capacity 1500 Gallons
Black Water 500 Gallons

@2025 Teddi Bear

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